How to Use AI as Your Co-Researcher: Custom GPTs for R&D Teams
Research and development demands precision, efficiency, and insights that go beyond surface-level understanding. Traditional methods of data discovery and analysis, once effective, now struggle to meet the demands of modern R&D workflows. Outdated databases, scattered information sources, and generic tools often delay progress, critical decisions and slow down the innovation. AI-powered tools like Large Language […]
How is AI making wireless communication intelligent?
The airwaves are about to get a lot smarter in wireless communication. Companies like Qualcomm, Samsung, and IBM are leading the charge, with patent filings exploding as the technology matures. AI-related filings in wireless communication have increased in the past few years. AI Optimizes the Network One highly cited patent (US20220014963A1 by Intel) showcases the […]
How AI and Wireless Communication are reshaping the future of banking?
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and wireless communication are becoming a dynamic duo that could reshape how we interact with our finances, with enhanced security, personalized experiences, and unparalleled convenience in banking. Security with Biometrics and AI Remembering passwords will become past soon. Banks are using AI in wireless communication to make your experience secure. Bank of […]
How US government is using AI in healthcare?
Recently, the US government is actively pushing AI innovation in the healthcare sector. Through Slate, it was found that government agencies like the National Institutes of Health (NIH) are licensing AI-powered healthcare patents from universities and private institutes. The licensing of patents by them means the government could mean that they are actively working on […]
How AI is going to change the Insurance industry?
When you think about AI in healthcare, what comes to mind? Robot-assisted surgeries? Faster medical reports? More streamlined hospital processes? What if it could also personalize your health insurance based on your unique health profile? This might seem like science fiction, but it’s closer to reality than you think. Slate while analyzing AI patents in […]
How would healthcare become AI-powered by 2030?
The potential of AI to transform healthcare is quite high. By 2030, AI has the potential to change how we diagnose and treat diseases, ultimately leading to a future of personalized medicine, improved efficiency, and better patient outcomes. Will surgery be robotic or robot-assisted by 2030? Here are some key areas where AI is reshaping […]
How would AI change the healthcare industry?
Healthcare will be getting a major makeover soon with the help of Artificial Intelligence! From figuring out new medicines to taking care of patients. Traditionally, big pharma companies are the leaders in healthcare. But wait a minute, things got interesting when Slate analyzed the recent patents of this industry! AI is changing the game with […]